Informational poster teaching you how to play mahjong.

How to Play Mahjong

Showcasing a process.

As part of Douglass Scott's Information Design class, we had to illustrate a process. I had a lot of ideas, but the one that stuck with me the most was the rules of mahjong.

Breaking down what mahjong is.

There are many variations of mahjong, depending on region. I chose to stick with the version I knew best: the Taiwanese version. From there, I made vector illustrations of all the pieces and tried to explain all the rules as simple as possible. The result is a 24 x 36 inch poster.

You made it to the 🦶er!

Made with 💘 by Vanessa Peng

You made it to the 🦶er!

Made with 💘 by Vanessa Peng

You made it to the 🦶er!

Made with 💘 by Vanessa Peng